A pan-Arab civil movement dedicated to fostering a spirit of partnership that knows no borders.
The Arab Council for Regional Integration promotes civil engagement across sectarian, ethnic, and national boundaries for the sake of peace and development. It provides a response to growing Arab grassroots demand for an alternative to the harmful policies of demonization and boycotting which initially targeted Israel and its people, then fueled internecine fighting across the region.

This We Believe: The Arab Council’s Founding Statement
Read the reasoning and principles that brought together civic actors from across the Arab world in defiance of boycotting and segregation.
Overcoming the Boycott
The Arab Council for Regional Integration promotes civil engagement across sectarian, ethnic, and national boundaries for the sake of peace and development. It provides a response to growing Arab grassroots demand for an alternative to the harmful policies of demonization and boycotting which initially targeted Israel and its people, then fueled internecine fighting across the region.

An Active Voice
Through trailblazing public events and concerted media outreach, Arab Council members lend expression to their societies’ long-suppressed desire for connectivity and partnership across barriers. In doing so, they catalyze a larger discussion, facilitating people-to-people relations and enhancing the conditions for diplomatic progress.
An Emigrant’s Tale: Council member Sami B'aziz recounts an Algerian-Israeli friendship
When an Algerian emigre to Italy seeks a chance to build a better life, he finds his opportunity in an unexpected place.
Al-Hurra Channel Hails the Arab Council and Asks What Next
"Sam and Ammar," a hit TV show on Al-Hurra, celebrates the Arab Council's founding conference as a breakthrough in the region.
A Force For Development
The Arab Council wages humanitarian diplomacy in war-torn areas and brings Arab, Israeli, and other actors together for the sake of developing the region.
“Civil engagement gains ground in the region by proving its value to Arabs of all walks of life. In war-torn and impoverished environments, the Arab Council supports humanitarian diplomacy to serve the region’s most vulnerable. In Western and Middle Eastern capitals, it brokers new partnerships whereby Arabs, Israelis, and others join hands to address pressing development needs.”
“It should not take a pandemic to bring the region’s peoples together. But when a threat imperils all human life, it presents an invitation to overcome differences for the sake of the common good.”