Jiran Productions
Jiran Productions nurtures brave artists, musicians, and filmmakers across the Middle East and North Africa who devote their talent to promoting an end to conflict. The Arabic word “Jiran” (neighbors) references the title of our first production, “Salam al-Jiran” (Peace Among Neighbors), a Tunisian-Israeli musical duet. Going forward, the program will sponsor artistic competitions to incentivize and showcase works of conscience, as well as campaign in solidarity with artists who pay a price for breaking taboos induced by conflict.
Promoting reconciliation and hope through artistic collaboration.
Array of Sight
A Competition for Young Artists Across the Middle East and North Africa
Outstanding participants join a growing global community of artists who inspire the public to strive for a better world. The best submissions will win cash prizes and international exposure.
In addition to honoring individual works, special prizes will be awarded to collaborative work by artists who come together across a border of identity — be it ethnic, national, sectarian, or religious.
Array of Sight invites young and aspiring artists from across the region to submit original works of virtual art that express their vision of a post-pandemic region.
Eligible submissions include digital art as well as digital photo representations of traditional art. There is no entry fee to participate. The deadline for all entries is April 30, 2023.
Peace Among Neighbors (Salam Al-Jiran)
“Peace Among Neighbors” (Salam Al-Jiran), the first Jiran production, brought together vocalists from Tunisia and Israel, a lyricist from Yemen, and musicians from across the region in a song for peace and friendship among Arabs and Jews. Launched on social media in December 2020, it won millions of views and ignited an impassioned pan-Arab discussion about the virtue of coexistence.”